
Energiewende "Made in Germany"
Christian von Hirschhausen, Clemens Gerbaulet, Claudia Kemfert, Casimir Lorenz, Pao-Yu Oei
On Values in Finance and Ethics
Henry Schäfer
Finance, Society and Sustainability: How to Make the Financial System Work for the Economy, People and Planet
Nick Silver
CSR und Geschäftsmodelle: Auf dem Weg zum zeitgemäßen Wirtschaften
Patrick Bungard
A Region at Risk: The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific
Asian Development Bank
Finanzwirtschaft, nachhaltige Entwicklung und die Energiewende
Johanna Dichtl
Positive Impact Investing
Karen Wendt
Greening Finance: Der Weg in eine nachhaltige Finanzwirtschaft
Matthias Stapelfeldt, Martin Granzow, Matthias Kopp
Can Finance Save the World?: Regaining Power over Money to Serve the Common Good
Bertrand Badré, emmanuel Macron, Gordon Brown
Stranded Assets: Developments in Finance and Investment
Ben Caldecott
Ethics in Quantitative Finance: A Pragmatic Financial Market Theory
Timothy Johnson
Carbon Markets: Microstructure, Pricing and Policy
Gbenga Ibikunle, Andros Gregoriou
Responsible Enterprise: The emergence of a global economic order
Birgit Spiesshofer
Peak: Von ökologischen Grenzen und nachhaltigen Perspektiven
Michael Brose
The Geopolitics of Renewables
Daniel Scholten
Seite 4 von 7
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