Vulnerable asset management? The case of mutual funds

Christoph Fricke, Daniel Fricke
Absolut|report 6|2017

The Rate of Return on Everything, 1870–2015

Òscar Jordà, Katharina Knoll, Dmitry Kuvshinov, Moritz Schularick, Alan M. Taylor
Absolut|report 6|2017

Global Risk Factors in the Returns of Listed Private Equity

Jörg Döpke, Lars Tegtmeier
Absolut|report 5|2017

Quantifying Backtest Overfitting in Alternative Beta Strategies

Antti Suhonen, Matthias Lennkh, Fabrice Perez
Absolut|report 5|2017

Factor Investing: The Rocky Road from Long-Only to Long-Short

Marie Brière, Ariane Szafarz
Absolut|report 4|2017

Value Creation in Private Equity

Kairat Perembetov, Ivan Herger, Reiner Braun, Benjamin Puche
Absolut|report 4|2017

Factors and Sectors in Asset Allocation: Stronger Together?

Marie Brière, Ariane Szafarz
Absolut|report 3|2017

An Assessment of Managerial Skill based on Cross-Sectional Mutual Fund Performance

Ilhan Demiralp, Chitru S. Fernando
Absolut|report 3|2017

On the Value of Environmental Certification in the Commercial Real Estate Market

Rogier Holtermans, Nils Kok
Absolut|report 2|2017

Do Stocks Outperform Treasury bills?

Hendrik Bessembinder
Absolut|report 2|2017
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